Rent A Manager - Musiccoach 

Songs auf Gold- und Nummer1-Alben als Songwriter, Management für ein Label und Musikverlag & Studiorecordings und Touren durch ganz Europa als Musiker. Seit über 20 Jahren kenne ich das Musikbusiness aus allen Perspektiven - von selbstgemacht über Indie bis Major.

Ich möchte Dein Musikprojekt mit Dir besser machen - egal, wo Du gerade damit stehst. Ich will Dir helfen, die wichtigen Institutionen im Business besser zu verstehen. Von GEMA, GVL über KSK, Förderanträgen bis hin zu Label-, Verlags-Bewerbungen oder Playlist-Pitching. Es geht mir immer darum, Dein spezielles Projekt auf ein höheres Level zu bringen, Dir zu helfen Fehler zu vermeiden und dabei immer ein Augenmerk auf seelische Gesundheit zu legen.

Sieh mich einfach als Starthilfe, Karriere-Coach oder einfach Deinen "Rentable Manager"! Auch im Expert*Innen Pool von music pool Berlin.


Songs on gold award- and number1-records as a songwriter, management for a label and publishing company & studio recordings and touring through Europe as a musician. With more than 20 years experience I know the music business from all angles - from selfmade over Indie to Major.
I want to make your music project better - together with you, no matter where it's at right now. I wanna help you to understand the relevant (german) institutions better. From GEMA, GVL over KSK, funding applications to label and publishing company pitching. It's all about getting your special project on a higher level and helping you to avoid mistakes without forgetting about your mental health.

Just see me as an initial aid, career coach or simply your "Rentable Manager"!  Also in the
music pool Berlin expert pool.

Buche einen Termin!

Book an appointment!

Wir alle haben viel zu tun, wenig Zeit und wollen doch eigentlich am liebsten Musik machen. Daher optimiere ich ständig mein Angebot, um meinen Coachees das Leben zu erleichtern. Über meine Kontaktformular kannst jetzt du deinen Termin bei mir buchen. Schicke mir Deinen Projektnamen und vor allem das Thema, über das Du mit mir sprechen willst. Ich werde schnellstmöglich antworten und dann vereinbaren wir einen Termin.
We all have a lot to do, little time and yet we really just want to make music. That's why I'm constantly optimizing what I offer to make life easier for my coachees. You can now book your appointment with me via my contact form. Send me your project name and above all the topic you want to talk to me about. I will reply as soon as possible and then we will make an appointment.

Willst Du mehr erfahren? 

Wanna know more?

Hier geht es zu den unterschiedlichen Themen, über die Du mit mir sprechen kannst. Wähle eines aus, zu dem Du mehr wissen möchtest! Wir analysieren Dein Projekt und heben es auf ein höheres Level. Angesprochen fühlen können sich Musiker*Innen, Bands, Songwriter*Innen vom jedem Karrierestand - Anfänger*Innen bis Pros sind willkommen.
Here you can find the different topics we can talk about. Choose the one you wanna know more about! We analyse your project and bring it to a higher level. My services are made for musicians, bands, songwriters at any point of their career - beginners to pros are welcome.   


Herman Gritz (Berlin, UKR | Production, Mixing, Multi-Instrumentalist) 

Herman plays in the band "Mirrors For Princes"
5/5 Google Review

"Christoph is a truly talented and dedicated music coach with a wealth of knowledge. One thing that really stood out to me was his flexibility and willingness to tailor his teaching approach to my specific needs and goals. Overall, a great experience!"

HAUT, Fá Maria (Berlin, PO | Production, Sounddesign) 

Sound-Design @ Biennale 2019, Venice 

"The coaching helped me to understand better how the GEMA works and how I can get more royalties out of my live performances."

Cesar Arbizu (Berlin, ESP | Songwriting, Singing, Guitar, Bass)

Cesar plays acoustic sets and in his Punkrockband "Hit The Dirt"
5/5 Google Review

"My coaching experience was amazing! It helped a lot to get the social media campaign of my band started. It felt like a kickstart to finally get onto this topic and carry on with way more continuity. He also aided me with getting a perspective in topics such as GEMA and songwriting. Christoph is a very empathetic and patient coach with a lot of knowledge of the music industry."

Tim H. (Berlin, US | Career Developement, Consulting)

5/5 Google Review

"Thoughtful, extensive, and well-informed advice from a music professional with broad industry experience. Clearly spent a lot of time reading and listening before giving me his feedback. Highly recommend!"

Nuno F.A. (Berlin, PO | Career Chances Consulting)

5/5 Google Review

" Christoph took the time to understand my artistic journey and offered perspectives with a substantial dose of positive energy that were both inspiring and actionable. Highly recommended. [...] I am truly grateful for the experience." 

Lavinia H. (Berlin | Production Feedback, booked through MusicPool)

5/5 Google Review
"Hadl gave me his useful and enriching feedback on my mixes in a very precise, competent and friendly manner."

Tom R. (Berlin | Publishing Contract Consulting)

5/5 Google Review

" Super contact. gladly again!"